astelehena, ekaina 11, 2012

Informazio referentziala izaten dá arinagoa (aurré aditza), eta informazio berria izaten dá pisuagoa (atzé aditza)

Porbjörg Hróarsdóttir dú azaltzen an 2009ko artikulu bat (OV languages: Expressions of cues) nóla islandieran joan zan aldatzen hitz-ordena ti SOV aldé SVO zatio arrazoi diskursiboak: informazio berria gerota gehiago joan zan kokatzen atzé aditza.
I will illustrate how the grammar change in OI (islandiera zaharra) was due to a change in information structure. The loss of OV (objektua-aditza) in the grammar was caused by a prior language change that involved objects that express new information: These objects gradually gained a higher frequency in postverbal position. (Hróarsdóttir 2009:67)
The claim is that a language change in language use, namely the increased postverbal positioning of focused material led to a sudden change in grammar, ... (Hróarsdóttir 2009:67)
Informazio berria (prosodikoki enfatizatuagoa, fokalizatuagoa) dá emanen gerota gehiago an azkena on esaldia, behin ondo thematizatua: aditza izaten da gutxiago rhematikoa ezen objektua, eta hobe joaten da aurré objetua afin mezua joan dadin irabazten rhematikotasuna. Halaber, elementu pisuagoak (luzeagoak, konplexuagoak) jotzen dute aldé kokatu atzé elementu arinagoak:
It has been claimed that in various mixed word order languages, such as Hungarian, Finnish, Northern Sámi, Russian and Yiddish, the existing OV and VO-orders correlate with properties such as specificity, or "familiarity" of the object, or in other languages, topic-focus structure. (...). It has further been proposed that old information tends to precede new information and that light elements precede heavy elements. (Hróarsdóttir 2009:72)
Gainera, bi joera horiek lotuta doaz: informazio referentziala izaten dá arinagoa, eta informazio berria izaten dá pisuagoa:
In sum, this means that that a shift property, or simply a change in language use, can lead to a grammar change;... It is often claimed that this is connected with the placement of heavy (old information is light, new information is heavier) and stressed material (an element that is stressed is part of the focus of the clause). (Hróarsdóttir 2009:79)
Sujetua izaten dá thema (zéri buruz), aditza izaten dá elementu rhematiko transizional eta arina (zein eztún eramaten estres prosodiko berezia), eta objetua izaten dá parte rhematikoena (prosodikoki estresatuena) eta pisuena (luzeena edo konplexuena), zein, baldintza orokorretan, dún jotzen aldé azken partea on perpausa (nahiz ahal diran egon eragozpen intralinguistiko edo extralinguistikoak zein ahal dutén oztopatu edo inkluso alderantzikatu tendentzia hori). [165] []

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